#58 - New Blog Posting Schedule

It has become a little too stressful meeting a weekly deadline for my Blog posts.  As we head into spring, summer and fall, I don't have the 8 - 10 hours each week for research, transfer slides to digital format, turn slides into a YouTube presentation and write the Blog.  The Blog writing needs to share time with garden work, hiking, camping, lawn mowing, sipping wine, etc.. 

The Global Rambler will be posted every two weeks beginning with this post.

You can look forward to the following Blog Posts:

21 March - Maui and Hawaii: A Retrospect (February 2019 and 2020)

04 April - Tibet:  Some Considerations

18 April - Tibet:  In the Footsteps of Alexandria David-Neel

02 May - Tibet:  The Solace of Sacred Terrain

16 May - Nepal:  A Toe in Tibet and A Tiger on the Trail

30 May - Myanmar: Hiking Backcountry Burma

13 June - Sikkim: Walking Beside the Dalai Lama

I appreciate your taking the time to read my Global Rambler Blogs.